Saturday, November 2, 2013

Back Pain Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Back pain commonly called, as backache is a frequent complaint by 80 percent of the global population at any point of their life cycle. Our back consists of structured bones along with muscles and tissues, which are very soft. Backache always plays a main part in delaying or missed work. Our every movement solely depends on our back and since prevention is possible it has to be taken utmost care.

Home remedies along with proper body mechanics helps in keeping body ache away from us. Treatment for back pain does not require surgery. Pain relievers help a lot and rest plays a main role. Back pain can be from a slight ache to a strong pain. Severe backache occurs abruptly and may last for one or two days. If the pain is felt for more than weeks together it’s referred as chronic.

This type of pain normally fades as time passes but the duration will be long. Bed rest for more than two days will worsen the condition of the patient. If back pain is felt after injury it is important to get examined at the earliest. Reason for backache may be due to lifting heavy things in an improper position or a swift change in the body position.

Our lower back is very important as it carries majority weight of the body. Increase of stress towards a particular location or muscle tremor in the lower back muscles can also lead to back ache. But in several cases the reason for backache is not clear. Risk factors also include the type of occupation, Poor posture and lack of physical work or sedentary. If the disk on the back gets pressed to the nerve it may lead to Herniated disk.

 Sciatica occurs at the sciatic nerve due to the influence of herniated disk and creates unbearable back pain inside the buttocks and leg. Due to over growth of bone or because of arthritis Spinal stenosis occurs where the space shared by the spinal cord with the nerve roots gets limited or reduced which in turn creates pinching feeling on the nerves. Spondylosis occurs due to aging.

Spondylolisthesis happens in the spinal column if one of the vertebras slips above another vertebra in forward position. Loss of control in the bladder or insensitive feeling in the groin part along with legs getting weakened are neurological problems known as Cauda equina syndrome. Cancers in the spine or a fever with warm feeling in the back area along with pain are also some of the reasons for backache. If the patient has undergone many surgeries for varied reasons it can lead to chronic back pain where the possibility of treatment is limited.

 Symptoms of back pain includes intense pain while you are lying down and pain spreads from one leg to another and pain in the abdomen followed by fever or weight loss drastically with out any reason. Back pain could be due to an injury in the back and can lead to serious health problems in the future. Diagnosis for back pain will not be through laboratory tests but assessment will be made on the posture of the back and actions like sitting, standing and lifting legs.

A reflex hammer, which is made of rubber, will be used to test the reflexes of your body. The examined results help in identifying the exact location of pain, the degree of activity you can perform without pain and the possibility of muscle spasms. They also aid in ruling out other serious reasons of back pain.

 Back pain could be totally avoided by improvising your health condition and following body mechanics like good and smart way of standing, sitting, lifting and sleeping in a regular way. Aerobics and Physical activity with less stress along with balanced height and weight help in avoiding back pain. Smoking has to be stopped as it slows down the healing process. Back pain can be effectively treated less expensively through regular exercise and by practicing smart posture. If back pain is not controlled, it may lead to other complications that may be too costly to treat.
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Causes Of Chest Pain

Everyone at some point in their lives will experience chest pain and some times its severe chest pain. Your chest covers a large part of your body and there is alot of territory there, so to speak. It also contains most of your bodies vital organs. These vital organs in your chest, are protected by your rib cage, because they are soft and delicate and can be damaged easily. So it is only natural to become alarmed at the onset of chest pain.

 Chest pain is one of the most common reasons people seek emergency help at a hospital. The majority of these people seeking emergency help are concerned that they may be having a hear attack. While mild, to extreme chest pain, is one of the common symptoms of a heart attack, there are many other common reasons that can be atrributed to chest pain, even extreme chest pain can.

Even a minor injury to the some parts of your body can leave you stricken with extreme chest pain. This does not mean that you shouldn't be concerned if you are stricken with serious chest pain and that you shouldn't seek medical attention. It just means that you don't have to assume you are going to die if it happens to you.

Quit often, chest pain seems to come on suddenly and this in itself can be alarming but how sudden chest pain appears can have little bearing on how serious it is. A strained back, that leads to swelling around the nerves in the back, causing a pinched nerve, can cause some of the most severe chest pain and it can come on suddenly and also may manifest itself in the center of the chest.

This is because an irritated nerve can send a pain signal to other parts of your body and many times does. a bruised or cracked rib, can leave you buckled over with chest pain, that can make it difficult to breath. These are both chest pain situations that are not indicators of a problem with any of your vital organs. Both of these can be cured with a visit to your doctor and some bed rest. However, chest pain can be a warning sign of more serious problems with the vital organs contained in your chest.

Chest pain can be one of the symptoms of a heart attack and you may have other symptoms along with it if it is. These may include, sweating, dizziness and vomiting. Other symptoms may be pain in you jaw or left arm. You also may experience shortness of breath. Restricted blood flow to the heart, may cause chest pain which may be a symptom of heart disease but not a heart attack.

There are several heart related problems that can lead to chest pain, while not causing a heart attack. One of these is a viral infection of the tissue surrounding the heart and another is any of several issues with the arteries that connect to the heart. Stomach problems, such as heartburn or indigestion can cause severe chest pain also. Prolonged mental stress and or anxiety, can cause chest pain.

Chest pain can also be an indicator of serious life threatening health problems that don't involve your heart at all. Your chest also contains and protects your lungs and any one of many problems involving your lungs can cause extreme chest pain. Any infection of the lungs, can cause severe chest pain. Even pneumonia, or even a severe chest cold, or the flu can often cause chest pain.

Chest pain is also one of the symptoms of lung cancer. There are other vital organs that your chest also contains, that will cause chest pain, if they are diseased, or malfunctioning. Your gal bladder and also your pancreas, are both contained in your chest and any one of a number of problems with these two organs, will lead to chest pain.

Chest pain can be a symptom of gall stones, which is a very painful condition. So if you experience severe chest pain, you should always seek immediate medical help, but don't try to diagnose yourself because the causes are many.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Anxiety Attack and Chest Pain

Are you trying to get rid of all the chest pain symptoms that you may experience? The great thing is that you can start now and that you can start immediately! You just have to make sure that you are actually taking the proper steps and are taking decent strides to naturally cure your panic attack symptoms.

So what causes chest pain? It basically comes down to stress and anxiety. When you experience stress and anxiety attacks you'll quickly notice how a whole variety of things can actually happen to you.

To make a long story short - you can experience anything from shortness of breath, insomnia, and chest pains - and you should treat the problem not as a chest problem ; but as a regular anxiety problem.

How to Get Rid of Chest Pain Symptoms

Aromatherapy This is probably one of the best ways to cure anxiety and stress - which will in the end take care of those chest pains that you are experiencing. The thing about aromatherapy is that once inhaled, it can affect nearly every single organ that is inside of your body.It uses something called an essential oil, which can be used with baths, infusers, and other things.

It will bring emotional and psychological balance and can in the end dramatically help you!Natural Herbs Natural herbs such as passion flower, valerian, hops, magnesium, and specific vitamins can definitely help relieve the stress and overall relieve all of the symptoms that you may feel! Be sure to look into natural herbs that can ultimately help you!
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About This Blog

Chest pain is characterized as any pain in and around the chest. Chest pain symptoms can take on many different forms, such as sharp or dull, aching or stabbing. Chest pain is not indicative of any one illness. Though most people associate chest pain with a heart attack, chest pain can be a symptom of any number of medical conditions. If you are experiencing chest pain of any kind contact your doctor or call emergency services

P.S Treatment will vary, depending on the underlying cause of your chest pain Get It Here NOW

P.P.S Symptoms of heart failure are usually due to pulmonary congestion, poor cardiac pumping function or cardiac arrhythmias Just Click Here

P.P.P.S "The symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling and being sick and anxiety" Just Click Here

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